By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

It’s not very difficult to make the argument that our world has a few too many trade shows. Many times it can be easy to get lost going through the motions at one show after the next. 

In my annual conference schedule, SSPC has always stood out as a bright spot with a unique perspective and audience. It’s the only show I attend each year with contractors and applicators as its primary beneficiaries. While I am always excited to work with our partners in the engineering and owner communities, it is the applicators who I believe most directly need our support and expertise. SSPC does a fantastic job of bringing that focus to their annual conference. At this year’s show, our friends at PaintSquare invited me to discuss Induron live on camera from the tradeshow floor. 

Induron is in a period of fantastic growth, and I am regularly asked by new clients “why didn’t I hear about you guys sooner?” We need a big voice and a clear message to help us reach all the people in our industry looking for better partners and better products. This interview with PaintSquare was a perfect venue to get our message out at one of my favorite events of the year.