PermaSafe 100 Ceramic Epoxy is a unique and outstanding barrier coating formulated for the protection of steel and concrete in corrosive environments. It’s one of our most popular products and one of the toughest products for protecting wastewater treatment plants. Believe it or not, we’ve actually been told that PermaSafe 100, works TOO WELL. 

We’ve worked with several contractors who have tried to remove the coating, but failed. One contractor in particular applied PermaSafe 100 on a water treatment plant, and while it was once approved, the owners decided it needed to be removed because it was a different product than originally specified. They wanted to use a different generic polyurea, rather than an epoxy, so the PermaSafe 100 had to be removed. However, the owners of the water treatment plant and the painter did not understand just how well PermaSafe 100 bonds to concrete and steel.

First, the contractor tried sandblasting it off without any progress. Next, he tried water blasting it off at 5,000 PSI – that didn’t get it off either. Finally, he resorted to removing it with a diamond grinder. PermaSafe 100 was bonded so well to the surface that the concrete was damaged with the diamond grinder. The project leader said he’d never seen a coating like PermaSafe 100 in his 30 years in business. 

While this circumstance was unfortunate for the contractor and owner, we are proud of the proof of PermaSafe 100’s true strength. 

PermaSafe 100 offers:

  1. Absolute minimal undercutting: It bonds extremely well because of its unique film build. PermaSafe 100 is actually self healing; pinhole corrosion cells cap themselves and do not spread or “undercut” beneath the coating surface.
  2. Unrivaled film build: You can apply up to 50+ mils thick, so one coat is often enough. 
  3. Ultra low permeability: It is very difficult to permeate the coating.  A liquid’s pathway to the substrate is more difficult than that provided by traditional coatings.
  4. Non-ablative surface: Because of the ceramic pigment package, PermaSafe 100 does not allow microbial growth, therefore ultra-corrosive thiobacillus bacteria that ingest sulphur and water (two main ingredients of sewage) and expels sulphuric acid. The magic of non-ablative coatings is that this is achieved without the paint sacrificing any of its components, such as mildewcides. PermaSafe 100 will resist microbial growth in five years just as well as it does today!

Learn more about Induron’s Treatment Plant Coatings

Water and wastewater treatment facilities mandate the very best coatings to protect their assets from harsh, corrosive atmospheres. We have developed high performance coatings solutions for the numerous exposures encountered in treatment plants. Our ceramic epoxies have been protecting water, wastewater and sewer structures for more than 30 years. Whether it is for the most severe environments or for NSF Std. 61 potable water exposure, we have the highest-quality coating for the corrosion protection you need and expect. Contact an Induron sales representative today!