By: Andy Odorzynski, Induron National Sales Manager

Visit with Dixon EngineeringLong before our products are applied to a structure, our partners in the business of specifying coatings must select the right technology for the project and write it into a specification. I believe this is best handled through deep partnership and open communication. It is with that spirit in mind that we recently hosted our friends from Dixon Engineering at our headquarters Birmingham, AL. 

Induron is abuzz these days with energy and excitement as we prepare to introduce multiple exciting new products to the industry in each of the core markets we serve. These products are the result of years of science, engineering, and testing efforts. Beyond our own marketing goals, changing regulation forces new technology into the market on a regular basis. 

Before we ask our partners to include Induron products in their specifications, we invite engineers, owners, and contractors to visit our facility and inspect our testing hands-on. We have worked hard to build data sets so robust they can convince our toughest customers, and frankly, we are dying to show them off. Rather that saying “trust us” to our partners, we are choosing to say “Let me show you what we built, how we did it, and how we’ve ensured our products are ready for real world challenges”.  

We also believe our stakeholders outside of Induron bring important feedback to our product development process. Their perspective is unique, and their feedback reflects the view from the seat of an owner, engineer, or applicator. Why would we wait to source input, challenge to our data, or address concerns when we could have all this input today simply by asking for it and being smart enough to listen? 

At the end of the day sourcing honest, potentially-challenging feedback is an exercise in trust. We need our partners to feel comfortable saying “that’s not good enough, I need to see X”. That is hard to achieve over a teams meeting. 

We are proud to work closely with firms like Dixon Engineering who are willing to make this kind of direct investment in preparing for future technology and shaping the coatings that will define out industry from years to come. Its this kind of close partnership that makes writing specifications, handling project questions, and resolving problems achievable an industry defined by change. 

Thank you Tarin Minkel, Shannon Vidika, Paul Spitzley, John Watson and Michael Bottom, for making the trip and Andy Arnold for making it happen!

If you’d like to participate in a similar visit or presentation, we’d love to have you! Contact us about making it happen.