By: Ben Rowland, T&D Sales at Induron

International T&D BusinessAs a follow up to a previous blog concerning the aging electrical infrastructure of the U.S., and recent regulatory changes that provide a more proactive pathway to successfully extend the life cycle of this infrastructure, I wanted to draw attention to the same need for a solution abroad. 

Induron Protective Coatings is an industry leader in high-performance coatings, with particular proven expertise in corrosion control in industrial applications. The rest of the world is essentially in the same boat, having most of their infrastructure installed 40-60 years ago. As such, we’ve been working with utilities and specifiers from around the world for more than 10 years now to provide a proven solution.  

Induron Coatings in Colombia

In Colombia, we’ve worked closely with our partners, Energia SAS, to effectively extend the life of thousands of electrical T&D structures throughout the country. After some success in Colombia, we began supplying material for projects in neighboring Peru, which just happened to be some of the largest transmission towers in South America. 

Induron Coatings in India

We were then invited to India to see if our solutions could be an option in Asia. The product was applied to the towers and were reassessed one year later. The towers looked great and the coating provided the desired results! 

India T&D

Induron Coatings in Sweden

In Sweden, Induron’s products were assessed in a comparative analysis of various solutions for their aging grid. A report published by RISE/IVF determined that Induron’s system, using high solids coatings made up of renewable raw materials, provided the best long term performance with the least environmental impact of all the solutions tested.

In 2022, after some initial contact pre-COVID, Induron was able to follow up on even more opportunities abroad in Australia and Brazil. 

Induron Coatings in Australia

In Australia, the need to extend the life cycle of these assets has been recognized for some time now. They typically coat their towers using methods more akin to those you would implore to coat other atmospheric steel structures, including abrasive air blasting, using multiple coats of multi-component products–all while having to de-energize the lines they are working on. This method requires approximately 7-10 days to complete one tower. Using Induron’s systems, crews are often able to complete 1-2 towers in just a single day. In our visit earlier this year, we were able to successfully train our partners, and some of their customers, in our substantially more efficient way of extending the life of these structures. 

Induron Coatings in Brazil 

With a population of over 200 million people and an electrical grid and land mass similar in size to the U.S., Brazil’s infrastructure faces many of the same challenges, namely the efficacy of a potential solution to successfully extend the life cycle of T&D assets. Working closely with our partners at Pensacola Services and attending industry conferences in Brazil, we’ve been able to present our solutions to many of the largest energy providers in Brazil and South America.  

Induron Offers a Proven Solution for An Aging International Grid

Induron’s Induraguard 9200 is a proven solution in refurbishing aging transmission towers. This system provides:

  • The lowest-cost per application 
  • The most efficient and fastest system to apply 
  • The least environmental impact of the available methods for refurbishment 

Contact Induron to learn how we can successfully help extend the life cycle of these vital assets.