By: Davies Hood (Induron President) and Kendall Smith (Induron Power Market Manager)

Induron Goes InternationalThe year 2020 ushered in several new changes. As a result of the global pandemic, we all became familiar with the terms and isolating effects of “social distancing,” “safer at home” and “quarantine.” However, we also became much more comfortable with “Zoom Meetings,” “virtual happy hours” and other forms of electronic and virtual gatherings. As much as I am looking forward to in-person meetings, good ol’ trade shows and professional conferences, I would like to comment on some of the electronic advances that some in the industry, including Induron Coatings, took advantage of during the year of “Stay-at-Home.”

 For me, the COVID-19 quarantine began shortly after our second international trip of the 2020 calendar year. We had already taken two week-plus long international sales trips to promote our T&D coatings with our partners in India and Australia. We became loyal fans of the Essendon Bombers and even discovered some Australian ancestors!

As fun and valuable as those trips were, we quickly realized that our sales strategy and support system was going to have to change. As a result, we decided to take a slightly different approach to our International T&D marketing efforts. 

 Throughout this difficult season, Induron remained in close and constant contact with our partners in Columbia, Brazil, Sweden, India, New Zealand and Australia via many different online platforms. These platforms enabled voice, text, pictures, video and face-to-face meetings.  Our Induron team found this to be an excellent platform for technical conversations and “getting to know each other” especially when meeting with multiple parties. 

With the help of IBT Online, Induron created localized websites in many of these countries, which established country-wide access to vital information in their local language. If you are looking for help with rusted, weathered galvanized, painted carbon steel poles, substation equipment, or power plant corrosion, let us know. We can connect online (to start) and go from there!

Visit Induron Australia.

Visit Induron Brazil.

Visit Induron Sweden.

Visit Induron Columbia.  

 Check out this video to hear what Induron had to say about their experience with IBT Online!

Contact Induron to learn more about Extreme Asset Protection