By: Davies Hood, Induron President

Keys to Success in International BusinessInternational business is an unfamiliar, and frankly high risk environment for many companies. It certainly was for Induron when we first ventured beyond our country’s borders. However, through more than a decade of international business ventures, we have identified a few keys to success in international business. 

We’ve found that international business relationships are just like all business relationships. They succeed when they are built on trust. While it’s valuable to make use of available resources, such as the U.S. Department of Commerce, there is no substitute for forming a strong relationship with a partner on the ground in the countries where you are developing business. 

We are proud to have trusted partners in Australia, Brazil, Colombia, and Sweden. Even though our relationships are mostly “long distance” these days, we are able to stay connected via Zoom and market to these areas through localized websites. We look forward to continuing to grow internationally! 

Contact us to learn more about international business or our partners in Australia, Brazil, Colombia, and Sweden.