The Problem with Aging InfrastructureAging infrastructure is prevalent throughout the United States. In fact, the American Society of Civil Engineers gave America’s infrastructure a C- in its most recent Report Card. Yikes! This is a problem we cannot continue to ignore, and the recently passed $1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill is a step in the right direction. 

Induron President Davies Hood notes that it is absolutely critical that we act now to maintain our nation’s power grid infrastructure. The age of the infrastructure that delivers power to our businesses and homes is on average more than 50 years old. 

The corrosion process for galvanized steel

Because most of this infrastructure is built with galvanized steel, we are working within a tight time window. Galvanizing steel is a very effective way to reduce corrosion; however, the galvanizing process only provides effective corrosion resistance for 50 to 70 years – depending on the environment. At this point, the zinc carbonate begins to break down into varying levels of corrosion. Once corrosion starts, it accelerates rapidly. 

What can protective coatings do to help with aging infrastructure?

Induron offers a proven solution to extend the asset life of this critical infrastructure. Plus, the Induron approach to asset protection is the lowest applied cost per square foot per year, and we can calculate the cost based on experience and proven results. An Induron representative can help you set up an asset protection program that will extend the life of your T&D assets and attain a fully protected grid! 

Contact Induron to learn more about our proven methods for extending the lifespan of this critical energy infrastructure.