Refurbishing Concrete Clarifiers with Mortarchem and Ceramasafe 90

February 26, 2023By adminInduron, Project Spotlight No Comments

By: Paul Powers, Mid-Central Regional Manager at Induron Protective Coatings When three large concrete clarifiers at Adams Field Water Reclamation Facility in Little Rock, Arkansas began showing signs of erosion, owner/engineer Little Rock Water Reclamation Authority contracted Thomas Industrial Coatings to coat the weir troughs before additional loss occurred and more costly repairs were required. … Read More

A Proven Solution for an Aging Steel Electrical Grid in New South Wales

February 14, 2023By adminInduron, Project Spotlight, T&D industry No Comments

By: Ben Rowland, Induron T&D Sales Electrical utilities are working hard to fight corrosion on their aging steel infrastructure all around the world. Induron Protective Coatings offers proven protection for weathered galvanized and previously-painted T&D structures at the lowest applied cost per square foot per year with Induraguard 9200, which can be calculated based on … Read More

2023, Induron is Ready

January 6, 2023By adminInduron, Induron Family, Induron Values No Comments

By: Davies Hood, Induron President As we flip the calendar from 2022 to 2023, I must say that I am optimistic about Induron’s position in our target markets. 2022 was another stressful year in the coatings industry–much like the two preceding years–because of a myriad of supply chain issues ranging from consistently high inflation to … Read More

A Proven Solution for an Aging Grid

July 8, 2022By adminCoatings, Infrastructure, T&D industry No Comments

By: Ben Rowland, Induron Protective Coatings As the United States and the rest of the world’s electrical infrastructure grid is aging, it’s imperative we start addressing these structures in a manner that can substantially increase the life cycle of these assets. Induron Protective Coatings is an industry leader in high performance coatings with particular proven … Read More

Dirty Jobs: A Guide to Treatment Plant Coatings (Part II)

April 18, 2022By adminCoatings, Induron, Wastewater Industry No Comments

By: Bill Seawell, Induron Technical Service Manager Water and wastewater treatment plants require a variety of industrial coatings due to their diverse service environments. From potable water immersion to aeration basins, each service requires a specialized coatings solution for corrosion protection. The goal of this treatment plant coatings blog series is to inform owners and … Read More