2023, Induron is Ready

January 6, 2023By adminInduron, Induron Family, Induron Values No Comments

By: Davies Hood, Induron President As we flip the calendar from 2022 to 2023, I must say that I am optimistic about Induron’s position in our target markets. 2022 was another stressful year in the coatings industry–much like the two preceding years–because of a myriad of supply chain issues ranging from consistently high inflation to … Read More

A Tribute to Barry Peters

September 13, 2021By adminInduron, Induron Family, Induron Values No Comments

By: Davies Hood, Induron President Barry Peters is one of the best “hires” that I have ever made as a manager. For anyone who has ever been responsible for hiring and firing people, that statement says A LOT!  With a heavy heart, from both a personal and professional side, I would like to wish Barry … Read More

Induron Welcomes Trevor Nicholas to the Team

August 10, 2020By adminCoatings, Induron, Induron Family No Comments

We’re excited to welcome Trevor Nicholas to the Induron team as a Senior Chemist! Trevor has extensive experience in the coatings industry and is excited to dive into product optimizations and development. He is not only passionate about trying new things, but also making paint better, safer, stronger, longer-lasting, and most importantly, less expensive. To … Read More