By: Davies Hood, President of Induron Protective Coatings

I am beyond proud to share that the Journal Of Protective Coatings and Linings (JPCL) Prestige Awards honored Alfred “Tex” Enoch as a “Top Person.Tex has been in the protective coatings industry for 50 years. He is well-known for his commitment to the industry, specifically the potable water storage tank industry, through participation on standards committees and industry-supporting organizations. Most notably, Tex has earned the respect of his peers, including customers, co-workers and even competitors.

I met Tex at the Steel Plate Fabricators (SPF now STI/SPF) conference in Arizona in the early 2000s. At the time, he was the Water Tank Market Manager for one of Induron’s biggest competitors. I knew exactly who he was–partly because of his outsized reputation, but also because I was a competitive, young buck who genuinely wanted to “beat” my competition. Anyway, I was introduced to Tex, and much to my chagrin, couldn’t help but like the guy. His friendly smile, warm handshake and genuine interest in others is obvious at first sight. Over the next few years, we established and maintained a relationship through various mutual industry committee memberships. 

Tex Enoch When I moved into a leadership position at Induron, we had the opportunity to hire Tex. This was a significant hire for me personally and our company, which was only a regional player in the coatings market at that time. You see, Tex was the first employee we hired who lived and worked outside of the state of Alabama. Tex committed to helping Induron grow not only our paint sales and specification presence in the water tank market in his home territory (eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware), but also our sales team as Induron expanded.  

Through his intimate knowledge of the water tank market and invaluable leadership, Induron successfully expanded its network of dedicated out-of-state sales representatives. Tex’s personal success and influence within the water tank painting community has directly contributed to Induron’s growth and success as a company. 

While I am grateful for Tex’s lasting contributions to Induron, I also value Tex as a personal mentor. Tex values relationships over all and believes deeply in the concept of relationship selling, which I strive to manifest and instill in all of the members of our team. He makes customers’ lives easier by simply lending his expertise to the various elements that lead to a successful project. Tex genuinely treats all of his customers as his friends, because he views them as exactly that… his friends. That’s just the kind of guy that Tex is, and why I believe he is so deserving of the JPCL Prestige Award for Top People!

About the JPCL Prestige Awards

The Top People honors were judged on a set of criteria, including industry impact, personal achievement, professional interaction and extracurricular involvement. Learn more here.